Winter Project Time
Today was a fairly low-key day. I’m trying to go along with Leah Day’s Freemotion Quilting Project focus on UFO’s each Sunday. Today her FMQP blog post discusses getting negative reviews online. I guess I’m kind of shocked. I feel like Leah has given such a wealth of knowledge out for free and that she does a beautiful job. Please stop by and give her some positive comments (if you haven’t seen her blog before, you really need to check it out!)
Back to UFO Sunday, here is the UFO that has been on my wall without progress for 6 months. It’s a color progression with a contrasting curved piece through each block. Although I don’t normally do block-based quilts, I wanted to practice some simple curved piecing and started on these 8″ squares. I kind-of ran out of space on my design wall however and obviously haven’t finished up the curves in all the blocks I have up yet.
My thought has been to sew 1-2 vertical rows together at a time and then quilt them in those rows, putting the whole quilt together after doing the quilting. I’m still struggling a little with how you put the quilt together after quilting, but want to try it out, since I hopefully have quilted my last king-sized quilt on my home machine after it was all pieced! I’m thinking that using Leah Day’s “Mesh Curtain” pattern for the long vertical rows.
So, my commitment is to make some progress this week with this quilt, before the next UFO Sunday!
The other piece I’ve worked on today is my second week’s 5 x 7 Challenge piece. I completed the paper piecing and now need to aapplique the center circle and rungs of the windmill blades, before I can start quilting it.
Beyond my indoor projects, my husband Randy and I, along with our two boys Ryan and Coleman and our dog Dexter, went for a winter’s walk at Marymoor Park in Redmond. It was about 30 degrees and the frost twinkled on the trees and shrubs.
Reflections on the water |
Partially frozen stream through the marshlands |
Ice and frost in marsh grasses |
Beautiful winter light and reflections |
Christina with sons Ryan (left) and Coleman (right) and Dexter (with the long ears) |
Husband Randy with Dexter |
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Golden Hour at Penn Cove & Monet’s Haystacks |
What I Want My Children To Know |
Sunshine and Sand Design Inspiration |
Leah day has a great video on joining quilt as you go quilts. I have used it with success but you may not want 1/4 inch lines through this quilt.
Ann Bauer also uses a quilt as you go method. I think she binds her quilts at the back and finishes them by hand. (sorry can't find a link)
Be brave and trial the technique that you think may work.
Happy to give more details on how I would approach this if you need.
I found the link – But I can't cut and paste here on my phone.
Ann Bauer . Blogspot . Com (post date is April 16 2012)
Thanks, Jenny- I've found the info on Leah's Freemotion Quilting Project site. Now, like Nike says "Just Do It" needs to be my motto!
I'm not having luck with Ann's blog (it's coming up without any content in it,) but will try googling her and see if I can find it. Thanks so much!